“The collaborative divorce process helped me fully understand my financial situation and gave me confidence that we were each receiving equitable shares of our assets. I felt heard and was able to hear the needs, values, and concerns of my ex as well. The collaborative divorce process helped us bring our long marriage to a respectful conclusion.” -J.R.
Collaborative Divorce
Gondring Law is passionate about helping spouses resolve their legal issues without further damage to either spouse or their children and without depleting their financial resources. Collaborative Divorce is a practical and confidential alternative to traditional litigation and focuses on finding fair solutions that meet the needs of both parties and their children without court intervention. The Collaborative Process provides the parties with control over the outcome of their case and allows them to divorce with dignity.
Reaching a divorce agreement consensually through the collaborative process is often more effective and sustainable in the long-term than receiving an order from a judge with a voluminous case load and limited court time to fully consider your unique circumstances. The Collaborative Divorce Process allows parties to create an agreement tailored to their family’s specific situation and needs, reduces the risk of post-divorce conflict, and is less expensive than litigation.
It is a common misconception that in order for parties to be good candidates for the collaborative process, they must agree on all the issues. Quite the opposite is true. Parties who already agree on everything generally only need an attorney to draft the separation agreement. It is the parties who cannot agree on everything - who are not sure how they are going to make it through the divorce process without creating additional harm - that benefit most from the Collaborative Process. What differentiates litigants from Collaborative participants is both parties’ desire to limit (or even eliminate) the emotional and financial damage to individuals and relationships when the marriage is no longer viable.
Gondring Law has the training and experience to evaluate your specific situation in order to determine if you are a good candidate for the Collaborative Divorce Process.
Making the Call
We know that calling an attorney can be daunting, but we believe that the knowledge gained from being provided concrete information and exploring options helps to calm the anxiety and stress that inevitably comes when change is afoot. Kelley can be reached by phone at 336.724.4488 or by email at kelley@gondringlaw.com and will help you determine whether Collaborative Divorce or another process suits your situation best.